I like to liken public-private sectorpartnership to marriage. The man (government/public sector) is the head. No
matter how rich the woman (private sector) is, she still has to submit to the
As the head of the family, any decision
taken by the man will directly affect the woman. Restrictions such as the type
of friends the woman will have (partners; local and international), what the
woman can buy (trade restrictions) and the amount of contributions the woman
must make towards the running of the family (tax) will determine how successful
the woman will become (successful entrepreneurs) and in extension, the amount
of children she will have or be willing to have (employment creation).
Every business is created for the sole
purpose of making profit and when this goal appears threatened by a policy with
no close alternative, there will always be a protest in one way or the other.
In playing fatherly role, government should
not make policies that will drop down the throat of private sectors like a
crusted garri, rather, they should be
presented with choice with the odds favouring the direction the government
wishes it to go. For example, instead of just banning the importation,
manufacture and sell of generating sets as alternative to erratic power supply
(especially in sub-Saharan Africa where power is a major issue), government
could decide to increase the tax on such products and decrease that of the
clean energy alternative which the government seek to promote.
Like a submissive wife, what will follow is
a gradual but steady phasing out of the former because it would become
expensive to run and less profitable (an abrasion to business ideology’s lower
cost and increase profit). Who says the same technique cannot be applied to
every other part of the economy to encourage the private sector to embrace more
eco-friendly means of doing business?
The global fall in oil price can be a
blessing in disguise. Governments globally can decide to pull out from
subsidizing oil for her citizens and channel it to subsidizing public
transports so that it becomes very expensive to drive a private car. This will
get many cars off the road (which are CO2 emitters) and create
employment for the populace (as public transport drivers).
Having it at the back of mind that a great
economy is driven by the private sector, it is pertinent for government
policies to reach the private sector as friendly out-stretched arm. The pursuit
of a sustainable economy may be a slow climb but definitely not a hopeless
case. What if wood and paper industries are mandated to grow all the timber
they use? What if there is a contest that rewards the fisherman with the
largest pond? What if the cost of obtaining raw plastic/rubber becomes too high
that it becomes cheaper to pay people to return used plastics? All these points
to one direction; make businesses think sustainability right?
This is my contribution to 2016 Masdar Engage Blogging Contest